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Second Trimester Recap & PinkBlush Maternity

Second Trimester Recap & PinkBlush Maternity


I’m a couple of weeks into my third trimester, so I thought it was time to look back and recap the second. I got back a ton of energy in my second trimester and the nausea wore off completely. I wasn’t too big yet and I could still do most of my normal activities. I was able to work out about 2 days a week. At week 19, we felt the first little kick from Baby E and my gosh, it is pretty incredible feeling the baby move around! One thing people don’t really tell you is that once the baby gets to about week 23 or 24 and is starting to really take shape, you have to say goodbye to trying to sleep on your back. I love sleeping on my back so this was a tough pill to swallow for me. I sometimes will try to start on my back, but I just end up in pain after about 30 seconds.

Dressing the bump for the holiday season has been pretty fun! This PinkBlush Maternity off-the-shoulder dress came just in time for holiday parties and family get-togethers. It’s perfectly fitted with not too much hugging around the waist, which I’m finding is more my pregnancy style. I have never loved tight or super fitted clothing, so I guess it makes sense. I wore it here with a long blazer and chain back, but I might also wear it with black over the knee boots as it gets chillier.

Newborn Must Haves

Newborn Must Haves

PinkBlush Maternity Style

PinkBlush Maternity Style