
It's me.

Hello Sunshine

Hello Sunshine

I think there are a WHOLE lot of ways to tell the same story. It's easy to look at your life and point out all the darkness and sadness that surrounds you and let that darkness take over your life. But, being sad is easy. It's much harder to take a step back, look at your life, and see all the good- all the sunshine, the bright spots, the smiles, the love. I've made a few resolutions this year and one of them is definitely about seeing my life as a triumph instead of a tragedy. 

There have been a lot of changes in my life this year- planning a wedding, being a wife, quitting my job at Facebook, freelancing and seeking more creative opportunities. People always try to tell you change is good, but really, change is scary as HELL. And, what they don't tell you about change is that it takes a lot of work to feel normal again. I think God has been trying to tell me lately that this whole thing is a long time coming, but it's hard to tell where He wants me to go from here. For now, I'm making some fun resolutions and seeking Him every day to tell me what He wants for me. Thank you to everyone who has helped support me in 2016, especially my awesome husband! I promise to make you proud in 2017.

2017 Resolutions

  1. Drink 10 glasses of water a day.
  2. Run the bridge with Andrew 2 times a month.
  3. Post 4 blogs a month.
  4. Take a photo a day.
  5. Stop worrying about carbs.
  6. Go to a karaoke bar.
  7. Rock a bolo tie.
  8. Keep my cactus alive.
  9. Read 12 books.

Some of these might seem silly or you're probably thinking I should try to run the bridge more than just twice a month or read more than just 12 books in a year, but I'm being realistic here. If I surpass them, that's great! We all can't be Mark Zuckerberg learning Mandarin and creating artificial intelligence. 


Portland & Seattle

Portland & Seattle

Channeling my Inner Jane Birkin

Channeling my Inner Jane Birkin